Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer D litter – Lux & Ruda
Our D litter is a combination of Hungarian lines, in which, apart from proper build and health the focus has been given to work predisposition.
d.o.b. 13.05.2019
4 girls & 7 boys
Litter parents:

Gyurkóvári Becses "Lux"
(Józsalaki Alfonz x Magasparti Rutinos Luca)
The father of the puppies is a Hungarian bred stud dog, Gyurkóvári Becses – Lux. Lux is a fantastic hunting dog, whose work abilities have been thoroughly tested through many trials and work competitions. He proves a great companion, and frequently displays his traits during hunts in the Slovenian hunting grounds. Lux has completed these trials: junior hunting trials, multilateral trials, all-round trials, field&water trials, water trials. Also Lux’es sharpnes against predators has been tested and he does really well with tracking work, what has been proven during the bloodtracking test. He has taken part in the Field Trials with very good results, World St Hubertus Trials as the Slovenian representative of Slovenia and independently. He has won prestigious Arkov and took a part at Memorial Memorial B. Sežuna also with very good result. Lux is a CIE and CIB interchampion, the Slovenian Grand Champion as well as Champion of Slovenia and Croatia, he is also Junior Champion od Slovenia and Croatia. He has received numerous titles, among these Zagreb Winner 2013 and Slovenia Winner 2015. He has received two nominations to attend Crufts in 2014 and 2016. Lux is an excellent companion during hunts and everyday life. His great exterior, very calm and balanced character distinguished him among other stud dogs. His choice for our D litter was clearly not a coincidence – we truly value the versatility of his pedigree, which makes an excellent combination with our Ruda.
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CAPOEIRA Banataj Wind "Ruda"
(Vadászpajtás Thymos-Ichnobates & BROOKE C9H13NO3)
The mother of the puppies will be our Ruda – CAPOEIRA Banataj Wind. Ruda was imported by us from the Czech Republic. She comes from a very good cross – her father, Vadaszpajtas Thymos “Tim”, being champion of Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Holland, Germany and grandchampion of the Czech Republic. He is also international champion CIE and CIB. Tim has not only achieved great results in shows but has been in the hands of hunters. His work predesposition has been confirmed through numerous work competitions in the Czech Republic in multilateral championships, receiving 1st degree diplomas with excellent placement. Ruda’s mother is BROOKE C9H13N03 (Adrenalina) She’s a beautiful specimen, with a very gentle character. Brooke has her Czech competitions completed with 1st degree diplomas. Ruda is an excellent example of the breed. She’s got a balanced, stable and cheerful nature. She’s easy to handle during hunts and equally during training. She yields to her handler on command, but is very persistent in her search of field. She truly excels in field work, combing the field evenly and far out, with unrivaled speed. She has a sure, steady retrieval and loves to work in water. Ruda displays her ferocious side when encountering predators. It’s important to note that as a young, not even 11 month old dog, she finished a Czech multilateral competition with a 1st degree diploma, being the youngest of the entries. Ruda is Junior Champion of Poland and Champion of Poland.
Both Lux’es and Ruda’s health is exemplary. This is backed up by cardiac and ophthalmologic certified international test results: healthy, no abnormalities noted. Their x-rays prove no hip or elbow dysplasia: HD-A, ED 0:0 and genetic test results prove they are free from any defects and they do not carry any of genetic diseases occurring in the breed. Lux and Ruda are truly balanced dogs, easy to lead and handle. They are obedient and do not pose problems in daily life as well as during hunts. The qualities of the the parents should make for a healthy, promising litter, both in its exterior and most of all in it’s work predisposition.
The future owners of this litter can expect a lot of support and professional guidance from our kennel in terms of raising and training your puppy.
Please contact us if you have any questions about this cross:
phone: +48 501 595 302
Below you may view the pedigree of the dogs: