• We have long-haired Weimaraner and short-haired Weimaraner puppies!

    On February 5, 2025, a litter of Weimaraner puppies, both short-haired and long-haired, was born, the “O” litter. The proud parents of the puppies are Slavinja TYTOŃ and Slavinja EA “Dzida”. We have 3 girls and 2 boys! The puppies and their mom are doing great! Dzida is taking care of them with great attention and care. 😃

    A HUGE thank you to Dorota Zalewska and Katarzyna Pływaczewska from Przychodnia PRO EQUI – Kampinos for safely bringing the little ones into the world, and to Kamila Pojawa-Dąbrowska from VetPlanet for the perfect assessment of the situation!


    The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes between March 26 and April 6, 2025.
    If you’re interested, feel free to contact us!
    You can find more about the litter HERE.

  • We have long-haired Weimaraner puppies!

    On January 31, 2025, our “N” litter of long-haired Weimaraner puppies was born.
    The proud parents are Slavinja PERUN and Slavinja AMSA “Kudłata”.


    The puppies and their mom are doing great! Kudłata has proven to be a very caring mother 😀
    The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes between March 21 and March 31, 2025.

    If you’re interested, feel free to contact us!

    You can find more about the litter HERE.

  • New Vizsla Stud Dog!

    We have a new Vizsla stud dog! Slavinja ETER is officially recognized as a stud dog under the regulations of The Kennel Club (UK).

    Eter has also undergone screening tests, which we conduct for all dogs introduced into our breeding program. He currently resides with his owner, Danuta Pachana, in Old Woking, Surrey, UK, but you may also find him in Poland, in the Podkarpackie region.

    Breeders interested in incorporating Eter into their breeding programs are welcome to get in touch with us.

  • New Long-Haired Weimaraner Stud Dog!

    Slavinja WOJAN has met all the requirements to remain a stud dog in accordance with FCI/ZKwP regulations and has also undergone the screening tests we perform on dogs introduced into our breeding program. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we have a new Long-Haired Weimaraner stud dog in our kennel. 🙂

    Breeders interested in using Wojan in their breeding programs are welcome to contact us.

  • CAC Grodzisk Mazowiecki 2025

    At the II i III DUO CAC Grodzisk Mazowiecki on January 11 & 12, 2025, our kennel was represented by:
    Slavinja (FCI) ADRENALINA “Lily” (Vizsla) in the junior class received an excellent, place I/1, a gold medal, and the titles of Junior Winner and Best Junior! Lily was beautifully handled by her owner, Zuzanna Kiermasz (kennel – Aureum in Agris FCI).
    Photos of Zuzanna and Lily – DogFocus by Matt Król – Fotografia psów.
    Slavinja (FCI) WOJAN (Longhaired Weimaraner) received an excellent, place I, a gold medal, CWC certificate, and the titles of Best Adult Male in Breed and Best of Breed! With this achievement, Wojan fulfilled the requirements for the title CHAMPION of POLAND!
    Congratulations, Anita!

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