Zkoušky vloh ohařů, OMS Přerov 2024:
Slavinja 2024 VizsLOVE gathering!
Catching up!
On August 4th, 2024, at the IV Piotrkowska Dog Show and the “Furminator Puppy Show” in Bogusławice,Slavinja ADRENALINA “Lily” (vizlsa) completed her Puppy Championship!In the puppy class, she received:2x the very promising with 1st place,
2x the title of Best Puppy, and
1x the title of Best Puppy in Breed.Lily was judged by Małgorzata Wiermiejczyk-Wierzchowska and Izabella Krasowska-Salamon.Heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to Lily’s owner, Zuzanna Kiermasz (Aureum in Agris FCI).
And back in July, the German Shorthaired Pointer from our kennel,
SE V-23 SE VCH Slavinja FENIX,handled by Madelené Ljungkvist (Sweden), completed the Swedish working tests with a score of:
9 for the water test and 9 for the tracking test!
Huge congratulations to Madelene!!!
Slavinja @UK:
CACIB Gorzów Wielkopolski 2024 (PL):
Water Work Contest 🦆OMS Opava, Bohuslavice (CZ).
A few overdue posts from our kennel’s life:
48th Mazovian Dog Show:
We have SH Weimaraner litter :)
We have confirmed a multiple pregnancy! Littler short-haired Weimaraner puppies are on the way!