Slavinja (FCI) ETER
(Aranyvadász Nimród & Capoeira Banataj Wind)
d.o.b. 23.03.2021
owner: Danuta Pachana
Old Woking, SURREY UK
Eter is located in the UK and is a dog registered with the
The Kennel Club.

EterEter is the son of CAPOEIRA Banataj Wind and the fantastic Czech stud dog, Aranyvadász Nimrod. Eter has inherited the best traits from his wonderful parents. He possesses an outstanding, balanced character, a tremendous eagerness to cooperate with his handler, a readiness for training, a cheerful attitude, and excellent conformation. He is a medium-sized vizsla, with strong bone and lovely head. Eter is a companionable dog, eager to engage with other dogs, displaying high social skills. Eter is a tested dog with very good health. This is backed up by cardiac and ophthalmologic certified international test results. X-rays prove no hip or elbow dysplasia with results – HD-A, ED 0:0 and he is salso OCD L/R-free. Coefficient of Inbreeding (CoI) 0.6% for 12 gen. Eter’s pedigree is a combination of lines with a strong emphasis on working characteristics, health and proper build.
His father is a very well known stud dog, Aranyvadász Nimrod aka. Rody ( Arthur x Aranyvadász Duna ). Rody is an excellent hunting dog, with proper body confirmation and a wonderful masculine head. He is a top working dog, as well as a show pony. He is an INTERCHAMPION C.I.B., INTERCHAMPION C.I.E., Czech Junior Champion, Champion of Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Croatia, Denmark, Russia, Romania. He is also Grand Champion of Denmark, Weteran Champion of Hungary and Slovakia. He is also the Winner of Central and Eastern Europe, Winner of Prague, Winner of Zagreb, Club Winner of Croatia, National Winner of the Czech Republic, Winner of the Specialist Vizlsa Club Dog Show at the age of 12 months old! His working predispositions have been confirmed at many tests and working trials for pointing dogs in the Czech Republic and Sweden with such results as: Junior Hunting Trials for Pointing dogs – 1st degree diploma, Winner; Water Hunting Trials for Pointing dogs – 1st degree diploma, Winner; Field and Water Trials for Pointing Dogs- 1st degree diploma, Winner, All-Round Trials (field, water, forest+tests on predators) – 2nd degree diploma; Memoriál J.Daňka (field+water) – 1st degree diploma, CACT; Field and Water trials OMS Karvina – 1st degree diploma , res.CACT; International FT MV 2014 – very good, Blood track & water tests in Sweden – full points! 1st degree diploma’s. His health was tested and he is free from hip and elbow dysplasia with HD-A and ED0:0 results. His eyes were tested and are healthy and clear. Rody is not only an excellent hunting companion, and a show dog, but he is also great to have around on a day to day basis. He is distinguished by his excellent exterior, very calm and balanced character. The versatility of Rody’s pedigree blends wonderfully with Eter’s mother pedigree. Eter’s mother is Ruda aka. CAPOEIRA Banataj Wind. Ruda was born in the Czech Republic. She comes from a very good cross – her father, Vadaszpajtas Thymos-Ichnobates “Tim”, being Champion of Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Holland, Germany and Grand Champion of the Czech Republic. He is also International Champion CIE and CIB. Tim has not only achieved great results in shows but has been in the hands of hunters from Dannity Kennel (Czeh Rep.). His work predisposition has been confirmed through numerous working trials in the Czech Republic in multilateral championships, receiving 1st degree diplomas with excellent placement.
Ruda’s mother is BROOKE C9H13N03 (Adrenaline) She’s a beautiful specimen, with a very gentle character. Brooke has her Czech working trials for pointing dogs with 1st degree diplomas. Ruda is an excellent example of the breed. She’s got a balanced, stable and cheerful nature. She’s easy to handle during hunts and equally during training. She yields to her handler on command, but is very persistent in her search of the field. She truly excels in field work, combing the field evenly and far out, with unrivaled speed. She has a sure, steady retrieval and loves to work in water. Ruda displays her ferocious side when encountering predators. It’s important to note that as a young, not even 11 month old dog, she finished a Czech multilateral competition with a 1st degree diploma, being the youngest of the entries! Ruda is Junior Champion of Poland and Champion of Poland.
Those interested in incorporating Eter into their breeding program are welcome to contact us.
Health, utility, shows:
Hips: normal, HD: A/A
Elbows: normal, ED: 0:0
Heart: Tested with Certificate 2023, Clear
Eyes: Tested with Certificate 2023, Clear
Spinal Dysraphism (SD): Clear
Neonatal Cerebellar Cortical Degeneration or Cerebellar Abiotrophy (NCCD): Clear
Hyperuricosuria, (HUU/SLC): Clear
Malignant Hyperthermia (MH): Clear
Thyroid: too young for testing
LHC: ?
38th National Dog Show Gorlice, Poland
August 11, 2024
Open Class: Excellent grade, 1st place, CWC, Best Adult Dog in Breed, and Best of Opposite Sex
Judge: Jan Ryk (PL)
37th National Dog Show Gorlice, Poland
August 10, 2024
Open Class: Excellent grade, 1st place, Best Adult Dog in Breed, Best of Breed, BIS Group VII – 4th place
Judge: Ms. Iwona Łuczak (PL)
CRUFTS – The World’s Greatest Dog Show (UK)
Birmingham 9.03.2023, Judge: Mrs J Fairlie
class – yearling, shortlisted 3rd
The Hungarian Vizsla Club Championship Show (UK)
25 Sep 2022, judge: Mrs Dee Hardy
class yearling, 3rd place
9-11th September 2022, judge: Mrs K Moores, junior class: 2nd place & yearling class: 2nd place
30th June-3rd July 2022, judge: Mrs Di Arrowsmith junior class: 3rd place
Southern Counties Canine Association (UK) Championships Dog Show 2.06.2022 judge: Mrs Moa Persson (Sweden) junior class: 3rd place
Hungarian Vizsla Society – Championship Dog Show (UK) 3.04.2022 Judge: Mrs Cathy Mason junior class – 2nd place
The Hungarian Vizsla Club Single Breed Open Show (UK) 20.03.2022 Judge: Mr Russel Mosedale puppy class: 2nd place
11.12.2021 Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller, puppy class: 2nd place